MIT.nano is rapidly developing as a shared research facility, and our community needs to know about the latest activities and should have the opportunity to suggest additional functions MIT.nano should deliver. Therefore, you are invited to attend one of two MIT.nano Community Update and Discussion sessions.
Join us for either of two sessions:
In October we celebrated LAUNCH.nano to mark the completion of MIT.nano’s six years of design and construction. Now, with several months of progress behind us, we can offer the campus community a progress report and perspective on what is to come.
What tools and instruments have been installed? What toolsets are on the way? When can students and faculty expect to start utilizing MIT.nano’s cleanrooms and other facilities—and what will be the process for gaining access? We’ll present a summary of our current projects, near-term plans, and future goals.
After the presentation, the MIT.nano team will welcome your questions and suggestions. Your engagement will ensure that this remarkable facility extends the aspirations of the MIT community.