Semilab Tool Talk—Sept. 18 & 19

Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Workshop with Semilab

Date: Wed., September 18 (10:30 AM - 6:30 PM) and Thurs., September 19 (11:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
Location: 12-0168 (MIT.nano basement)

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Semilab ellipsometerThis workshop aims to bring together beginners and experts to exchange knowledge, discuss recent developments, and collaborate on innovative new applications for ellipsometry.

Semilab experts will offer tutorials on the basic and advanced applications to help attendees gain confidence in using ellipsometry for sample characterization. The workshop will also include interactive sessions and networking opportunities. The interactive nature promises to be a valuable platform for intellectual growth and professional development, fostering a sense of community among participants.

Topics to be covered include: 

  • Introduction to spectroscopic ellipsometry
  • Basic and advanced optical modeling
  • Extended wavelength applications in the DUV, Near-IR, and Mid-IR. 
  • Model-based dimensional analysis for non-planar structures
  • In-situ possibilities for spectroscopic ellipsometry 


September 18, 2024

10:30 AM - Registration and welcome coffee

11:00 AM - Opening remarks and presentation of participants, John Byrnes, Semilab

11:05 AM - Introduction to MIT.nano

11:15 AM - Introduction to Semilab Semiconductor Physics Laboratory, John Byrnes, Semilab

11:25 AM - Introduction to Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (SE) – Theory and principles of ellipsometry, László Makai, Semilab

12:00 PM - Overview of Semilab ellipsometers and extended features, András Marton, Semilab

1:00 PM - Lunch & networking 

2:00 PM - Demonstration of spectroscopic ellipsometric measurement and characterization, László Makai, Semilab

2:30 PM - Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Analyzer (SEA) software introduction and overview, Imre Balogh, Semilab   

3:30 PM - Laboratory visits – Parallel sessions (Spectroscopic Ellipsometer), László Makai, Imre Balogh, András Marton

6:30 PM - Close

September 19, 2024

11:00 AM - Introduction to model-based dimension analysis, Imre Balogh, Semilab 

11:50 AM - Coffee break

12:00 PM - Extended wavelength range ellipsometry: DUV, NIR, MID-IR, László Makai, Semilab

12:20 PM - Laboratory visits – Parallel sessions (Spectroscopic Ellipsometer), László Makai, Imre Balogh, András Marton  

1:30 PM - Lunch & networking 

2:30 PM - Closing remarks, John Byrnes, Semilab

2:40-5:00 PM - Laboratory visits – Visitors sample measurements on demand, László Makai, Imre Balogh, András Marton