All Events

Tool Talk with SPT Labtech—Oct. 27

Join us for a virtual tool talk with SPT Labtech to learn about the technological innovation in CryoEM Sample Preparation

Wednesday, October 27, 2021
11 am – 12 pm EDT

Attendees can join via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 945 8610 0937

Tool Talk with Imina Technologies—Oct. 14

Join us for a virtual tool talk with Imina Technologies SA to learn about the unique motion technology offered by their tiny mobile robot, miBot.

Thursday, October 14, 2021
11 am – 12 pm EDT

Attendees can join via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 945 8610 0937

Career Fair @ MIT.nano—Sept. 30

MIT students and researchers are invited to a virtual career fair with companies from the MIT.nano Consortium, the MRL Industry Collegium, the MTL Industrial Group, and the Quantum Science & Engineering Consortium.

September 30, 2021
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Virtual on Brazen