All Events

Tool talk with Heidelberg Instruments Nano—Oct. 26

Join MIT.nano for a tool talk with Heidelberg Instruments Nano to learn more about enabling novel devices with the NanoFrazor, followed by lunch and a live demo.

11 a.m – 12 p.m.: Seminar
12 p.m. – 1 p.m.: Lunch sponsored by Heidelberg Instruments Nano
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.: Live demo of the NanoFrazor in MIT.nano's first floor cleanroom

12-0168 (MIT.nano basement)

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Tool Talk with 3D-Micromac—Oct. 12

Join MIT.nano for a tool talk with 3D-Micromac to learn more about laser base micro machining enabled by microPREP™ PRO, followed by lunch and a live demo.

11 a.m – 12 p.m.: Seminar
12 p.m. – 1 p.m.: Lunch sponsored by 3D-Micromac
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.: Live demo of the microPREP™ PRO in 12-0143

12-0168 (MIT.nano basement)

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Samco tool talk—Oct. 2

Join MIT.nano for a tool talk with Samco focused on profile control for III-V compound semiconductor devices using Samco ICP-RIE etching tools.

11AM - 1PM ET
Building 12, Room 0168

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MIT Sustainability Conference—Sept. 26 & 27

Join MIT faculty, researchers, and startups as we review core topics like energy and climate, but also explore new ones, like digital sustainability, sustainability for the built environment, and how we teach sustainability – both to the workforce of the present and the workforce of the future.

Read more and register.

2023 MIT Deep Tech Career Fair—Sept. 21

Students, postdocs, researchers, and alumni are invited to attend a career fair with companies from MIT.nano ConsortiumMTL Industrial GroupQuantum Science & Engineering Consortium, and MIT AI Hardware Program Members. Learn more about the companies, explore opportunities for internships or careers, and meet with company representatives one-on-one. 

September 21, 2023 | 5:00-7:00PM | Stata Center


>> MIT.nano, MTL, QSEC, MIT AI Hardware consortia member REGISTRATION