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Ambient Sensing—May 18

Join the MIT.nano Immersion Lab for a half-day symposium focused on applications and approaches to ambient sensing and monitoring. This virtual event will feature MIT faculty talks, student research presentations, and a live demo from inside the Immersion Lab.

May 18, 2023
9AM - 12:15PM ET
Virtual on Zoom

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HUMANS ISS Project exhibition—May 14

In the coming months, a 6-inch wafer nano-etched with the voices of more than 1000 voices collected by MIT students for the HUMANS (Humanity United with MIT Art and Nanotechnology in Space) project will launch into space. Come see the backup silicon wafer under a microscope, and listen to the inspiring visions of space from people around the globe.

1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Allen Collections Gallery Workshop, MIT Museum
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MIT Museum After Dark: Space—May 11

This month's After Dark promises to be out of this world! Learn about the record of voices being sent to the International Space Station by a team of MIT graduate students. Unravel the mysteries of new exoplanets through hands-on activities, and take a close look at objects from our collection including those related to the Apollo missions. Join us as we investigate the question, what does space mean to you? 

6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
At the MIT Museum
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SOLUTIONS with/in/sight: Algorithm and Views—May 4

Two teams of Koch Institute investigators will share their innovations using machine learning tools to improve lung cancer detection. Coupling machine learning algorithms with responsive nanoparticles, KI alum Ava Amini and Jesse Kirkpatrick of the Bhatia Lab develop noninvasive diagnostics to classify tumor types and inform patient interventions. They are joined by KI computer scientist Regina Barzilay and oncologist Lecia Sequist who will discuss how they use algorithms to look deeper into radiology images to predict future cancer risk.

6:30 p.m. ET
Luria Auditorium, Koch Institute
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MIT Sustainability Summit—Apr. 28

The MIT Sustainability Summit is an annual student-run event that has grown to include hundreds of attendees ranging from professionals, academics and students. The 2023 Summit will be held on Friday, April 28th, 2023 and focus on de-mystifying carbon markets.

8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET
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