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MTL seminar—Improving your understanding of advanced MEMS design problems: Design & simulation for innovation, better reliability, manufacturing & performance—Oct. 19

Dr. Gerold Schröpfer, Senior Director at Coventor, a Lam Research company will review a methodology for advanced MEMS design using a state-of the-art MEMS design flow based upon CoventorMP® software, and describe the concept of MEMS digital qualification and how it can contribute to advanced MEMS development.

12 p.m. – 1 p.m. ET
RLE Combined (36-462 / 428)

Part of the MTL Seminar Series.

How stiff is graphene? Imaging 2D materials to understand how they bend, stretch, and twist—Oct. 18

Pinshane Huang, Associate Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign will discuss how we use aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) to measure the strain and bending of materials just a few atoms thick in this seminar presented by the Department of Materials Science & Engineering.

2 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET
6-104, Chipman Room
Read more.

2022 MIT Digital Technology and Strategy Conference—Oct. 12 & 13

The annual MIT Digital Technology and Strategy Conference explores the latest MIT research and its impact across industries. The conference highlights MIT’s cutting-edge research in areas such as digital twins, metaverse, synthetic realities, cybersecurity, AI/ML, synthetic data, platform business, Web3, digital transformation, pathways for digital value, work of the future, and more. 

MIT.nano Associate Director Brian Anthony will speak on Day 2 on digitalization in manufacturing and human health from sensors, to data, to AR/VR.

See the agenda and register.

Bayflex Solutions tool talk—Oct. 5

Join MIT.nano for a tool talk with Bayflex Solutions to learn about continuous mechanical testing solutions for flexible hybrid electronic applications.

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. EDT
MIT.nano 12-0168


IMMERSED IN: Contemporary Dance—Sept. 28

This session of IMMERSED will explore contemporary dance, specifically place-making/common-ing, movement, and the relationship between physical art and digital space.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022
11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET
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2022 MIT Sustainability Conference—Sept. 20 & 21

Day 1 of this event will showcase bold, innovative faculty, impactful MIT research programs and disruptive startups all working to decarbonize industrial processes and improve resilience.  Building on this, Day 2 will feature a morning of workshops to engage more deeply with several leading MIT centers who are dedicated to solving industrial sustainability challenges in water, plastics, aviation and setting GHG emissions targets.

Read more and register.